The Role of QA In Software Testing On ERP Site
QA is responsible for testing the components and overall functionality of a product. The main purpose as a QA is to detect bugs and provide quality assurance products to the client. In ERP Site as a QA, I work with a team of developers where a developer develops a software according to the clients requirements and then I have to check the quality of the software like checking the functionality of the product, for example developers make some changes on the site then I have to check the changes he/ she has done is working properly or not and check because of earlier changes, some other things do not get affected.
Detecting Bugs
When the developer builds something or makes changes, it is the task of the QA Analyst to check each and every functionality. If he/ she finds any issues, then they inform the developer and write the issue in excel file sheet as test case document or can write in Jira tool in which we have to
:mention what is the issue
:steps on how to replicate it
:expected result
:actual result
:status of the testing
In ERP Site the developer make changes on staging then QA tests the changes on staging and if everything is correct then QA and the developer tests on backup server it is done by pushing the code to staging site and then pushing the code to backup server if any issue occur then the code is pushed back and the changes is made in staging and after that after proper checking in staging and backup server, then build is made and the changes gets reflected in Production site.
The production site is which the client or any one can see and that is the site where all the changes and final works get reflected and the staging site is like a testing site where the changes are made but all that changes finally gets reflected in the production site after proper testing.
Once the build is made and the changes get reflected on the production site the role of a QA does not get finished. QA has to check the production site once again after all the changes are made because sometimes it may be possible that some things don’t function as it was working in staging because the code was not pushed or applied properly or whatever the reason may be. QA also checks the responsiveness in devices as we have to see that people are able to view and operate all the changes we have made. And we can also check the performance of the site by testing on GTMetrix and Page Speed test for using on devices, browsers, and operating systems. With the help of the development team, QA helps in testing by detecting bugs and providing quality products to the client by meeting company standards.
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