A Brief Overview of The Angular Framework
What is Angular?
- Angular is a developers platform.
What is a Developers Platform?
- Developers platform provides end-to-end solutions for developer.
- It provides all tools and frameworks required for
a) Building
b) Debugging
c) Testing
d) Deploying
- Angular
Jasmine Karma
What Angular Framework Provides?
- Modules
- Components
- Services
- Factories
- Directives
- Pipes
- Routing
- State Management
- Security
Note: Angular is Component Based.
1. Factory : It is a set of values and functions.
It uses a single call mechanism.
We have to create an object every time to access
any function.
2. Service : It is a set of factories.
It uses singleton mechanism.
Object is created only for first request and the same
object is used for other requests.
3. Component : It comprises of
a) Presentation in HTML
b) Styles in CSS
c) Logic in Typescript
d) Pre-defined business logic from services.
4. Directive : A directive is responsible for making static DOM
into Dynamic DOM.
A directive is responsible for extending HTML.
Angular is completely decoupled from DOM manipulations.
A directive can return HTML.
a) Return HTML
b) Extend HTML
c) Make HTML more Interactive
5. Pipes : A pipe is used to transform data.
6. Routing : It is a technique used in angular to handle
SPA navigation depends on Routing.
7. State Management: HTTP is a state less protocol.
State Management allows to store data and
handle across requests.
a) Session State
b) Application State
c) Cookies etc..
8. Security : Application Level Security
- Cross Page Posting
- Injection Attacks
9. Module : It is a combination of directives, services,
factories, pipes etc.
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